You don’t cultivate compassion by any training programs, although there are training programs out there. Try as you may. Spend as much time and money on these training programs. It is not a skill you will acquire. It is your true-nature. You may find different arrangements to show your act of compassion, but if you strive to acquire the instinct to be compassionate, you are being fooled. Even if you force yourself to be compassionate because it gives you some emotional or ego satisfaction, then you are doomed to get disappointed.
You can only be compassionate by removing those barriers that are preventing you from being compassionate. Because compassion is your true-nature. It is hindered by many social factors that we have erected in the name of social institutions such as religions and social class.
The act of cultivating compassion is actually counter-intuitive. It doesn’t mean learning new things or skills. You are not adding anything to already conditioned mind, but removing all those factors that are hindering you from allowing your true-nature, the compassion, to freely flow.
You don’t cultivate compassion by any training programs, although there are training programs out there. Try as you may.